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Saturday, 28 Jan 2006

Dr. Elkies

BTW, Dr. Elkies, the author of the CGT chess article I mentioned a few days ago, has quite an impressive curriculum. Among other things, he disproved Euler's conjecture for fourth powers.

Intrigued by Fermat's last theorem, Euler proposed a variant which states that the sum of n-1 nth powers cannot equal another nth power (n>2.)

The Math Behind Beauty

As you may have heard before, the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio (phi,) are directly related to the perception humans have of beauty. Artists and architects have used it for centuries to produce stuff we find appealing. Applies to human beauty as well, and the types of faces we find attractive.

Bill pointed out a related link with a neat interactive tool you can use to verify why people find Jessica Simpson beautiful . It's explained in real simple terms:


I am way behind on this, but I finally got around to posting a few pics from a fun/golf outing I went to last summer in Cinci:

Click on the picture to see them.


Saturday morning. Went to bed relatively early last night, so I am already awake.

Very quiet out.

Friday, 27 Jan 2006


I may stay in tonite. I heard from Judit that they'll be in town tomorrow for sure, so we'll hang out in the evening. Jose arrives Sunday, so I'm, sure we'll hang out some as well.

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