Comments For Entry #376

The Math Behind Beauty(Comments RSS)

As you may have heard before, the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio (phi,) are directly related to the perception humans have of beauty. Artists and architects have used it for centuries to produce stuff we find appealing. Applies to human beauty as well, and the types of faces we find attractive.

Bill pointed out a related link with a neat interactive tool you can use to verify why people find Jessica Simpson beautiful . It's explained in real simple terms:

1/28/2006 3:36 PM

This explains a lot about my attractiveness to other women. I failed math!!

Actually, there was a study not long ago evaluating people's responses to faces based on symmetry. The finding was that perfectly symmetrical faces were /less/ attractive that those with some asymmetry. I may try to find the article again.

I'm pretty sure there's no doubt about the tendency toward the golden ratio, just as in music there is a tendency toward enjoyment of tonic-dominent-tonic progressions.


1/30/2006 2:06 AM

Intersting could I place my face behind the mask? How do you think the mask would fit my features Albert?


1/31/2006 0:27 AM


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