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Friday, 27 Jan 2006

Yellow Cab

Attended a PR event for Navan cognac last night. The parent company, Moet Hennessy, is one of our clients.

Pretty cool atmosphere, the event - The Yellow Cab Evolved - was held at PM Lounge, one of the most exclusive clubs in Manhattan, a velvet rope type of place. Lots of beutiful people. Below is the invitation.

One other such place is Butter, a hot spot, typically "celebrities-only." Monday nights are particularly popular, and Lindsay Lohan, Ana Beatriz Barros, or Gisele Bundchen can often be seen hanging out.

Thursday, 26 Jan 2006

CGT and Zugzwangs

Interesting article about the applications of Combinational Game Theory (CGT) to chess endgames. It never occurred to me you could analyze the endgame in this manner, very very cool.

If you've never heard of a Zugzwang position, you may want to skip over this one

Here's the article itself (PDF format)

The author is Noam Elkies, a well-known Harvard Math professor. You can learn more about him here:

Wednesday, 25 Jan 2006

Futon II

Per Jen's request, here's the same futon in Dark Mahogany Finish and in 3 different models. I still like the cool Natural Sable/Brushed Aluminum Finish, but she has a good point regarding contrast with my other stuff.




Tuesday, 24 Jan 2006


Giving the success of the previous poll, here's another one. I am thinking of replacing my current futon (which most of you have seen, and it is several years old) with this modern hideway bed. Thumbs up or down?


Here is a larger picture of the winning bar.

Now I have to order it. Weights 600+ lbs. (!)

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