Comments For Entry #369

Futon(Comments RSS)

Giving the success of the previous poll, here's another one. I am thinking of replacing my current futon (which most of you have seen, and it is several years old) with this modern hideway bed. Thumbs up or down?

1/25/2006 10:07 PM

does it come in a darker or lighter wood? this will be too off contrast with your other furniture. but the style is chic and convenient. nice choice on the car.


1/25/2006 10:56 PM

How full of furniture is your apartment? If you have plenty of seating space, make the switch (I'll let Jen be your guide on color). If you don't I recommend sticking with the futon.


1/25/2006 11:04 PM

Not very full, there is plenty of open space. And I have a big sofa and loveseat, plus now 2 bar chairs


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