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Friday, 29 Apr 2005


Today I also got this message from a nice lady from Miami, Emily, who has my same last name, Balcells, and stumbled upon the site. Cool. Greetings from, Emily

Pics II

And since I'm in a picture posting mood, here's lucky (in Tampa this weekend) - and beautiful - Kaye, whom I talked to earlier today - it's her birthday tomorrow!

Also Bill, in a picture from a while back, with Stephanie at Uno's:

Don't have any pics of Christina. In fact, unfortunately I haven't seen her for at least a year or more.


Took me a minute to find pics of everybody. You've already seen Bill before , so I'll skip him. Here's a pic of Marlena:

and also a funny pic of Jen:


I heard from several friends yesterday/today:

- Kaye, having fun by the beach in sunny Florida. She's taking a short vacation.

- Christina, Hans' sister, will be in town mid May for a convention. She is an artist. We'll try and hang out. She is very talented.

- Bill, he is going home again this weekend to resolve some family affairs.

- Marlena, from L.A., super-busy with her new dance group, Mavyn Entertainment. They are preparing for their first show.

- Jen, doing well, as usual.

Header and text sizes

I played a bit with the layout of the page last night. I wasn't happy with how much unused space was left at the top of the page, I had 3 separate rows: 1 for page x/y, one for navigation and one for the date. Too much waste, so i compressed everything into 1 single line.

I also reduced the font sizes a bit so there is less scrolling.

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