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Sunday, 5 Jun 2005

Rental car

BTW, I forgot to mention they were out of medium size cars at the rental car place, so they gave me a P.T. Cruiser. Kind of cool


I'm back home. Good trip. Work Thu and Friday, and play Friday night/Saturday.

Went out with Doug (below, by himself), Hans (also below, with Doug), Jeff and Kevin - all current or ex-colleagues. Also saw Bill, of course. Saw Jen briefly. Went to Christina's house for a barbeque, fun.


Hans and Doug

Wednesday, 1 Jun 2005

Wed eve

Meetings all morning, had to run to catch the plane to Cinci this afternoon. Got settled into my room and just had dinner. I'm staying at the Hyatt downtown this time. Nice and quiet, as usual.

Will be in meetings most of the day tomorrow.

Tuesday, 31 May 2005

England vs. Colombia game

I went to a great soccer event at Giants Stadium today. In a spectacular doubleheader including the first ever U.S. appearance by David Beckham (in the picture,) the English National Team took on the National Team of Colombia, followed by MLS action as the MetroStars battled the Chicago Fire.

England won 3-2 in a very spirited game with lots of action and fast-paced play. I took a few pictures, you can see them here.

I took the bus, it took me forever to get there, and even longer (about 1.5 hours) to get back into town. It was worth it though. Huge crowd, over 50,000 watching the game.

Monday, 30 May 2005

Mon eve

Watched 3 movies this weekend: Star Wars, Cellular and Collateral. They were all 3 decent. Star Wars had a few cool quotes:

Chancellor Palpatine: "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural"

Mace Windu: "You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master"

Chancellor Palpatine: "Learn to know the dark side of the force and you will achieve a power greater than any Jedi"

Mace Windu: "You are under arrest Chancellor"
Chancellor Palpatine: "Are you threatening me Master Jedi?"

Chancellor Palpatine: "Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the republic. Do what must be done. Do not hesitate, show no mercy."

Obi-Wan: "No! You were the chosen one!"

Just ate some pizza from a place downstairs. Watching TV before I go to bed.

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