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Wednesday, 19 Oct 2005

Familia al Colomi

Una foto de la familia al Colomi aquest cap de setmana passat.

El Bernat, L'Alicia, l'Elia, la Lali, el Josep, la Fatima, el Ramon, la mama

Sony PSP

I got myself a PSP, pretty cool. Ridge Racer looks incredible, most impressive

I have to say, mobile gaming has come a long long way. I remember when I bought a Sega Game Gear. It was neat little portable console, but batteries lasted next to nothing. Then came Atari's Lynx, the portable Turbo Graphx, Gameboy in its many incarnations, etc.

Tuesday, 18 Oct 2005


It sort of stopped raining by Saturday. The weather is a bit cooler now, most people wear jackets and stuff.

There was a music event at work today, a private listening of somebody's new record or something, didn't pay much attention. Got some food late in the evening out of it . Also stopped by Skylight Studios to check out our tablets deployed at the JW Journey events. Everything seemed fine. Talked to Mark and Liz for a few minutes.

Talked to Bill for a while as well.

Thursday, 13 Oct 2005

Thu - bday

So, today is my birthday

Had lunch at a new diner nearby work, can't remember what it's called. It opened up a couple weeks ago.

I might go out for a bit later on, but I doubt it. Still kind of rainy out. If I don't go out I'll stay in and watch a movie. I have re-joined Netflix. I was a member of both Netflix and Blockbuster online simultaneously when the services came out. I sort of exhausted all the movies I wanted to rent from them in a few months. It's been maybe 9 months ever since I cancelled. Let's see how long I stay subscribed this time.

Wednesday, 12 Oct 2005


Very busy week at work. I've been the last guy out for quite a while now, usually along with Karrie who stays in pretty late too.

It's been raining since last Friday, I kind of like it actually.

I was planning on going to Cinci for a couple days this week, but I probably won't have to go for now.

The new home theatre setup is working out great. The Greywolf 110" 1.8 gain coated screen coupled with the Optoma 16x9 hi-res projector deliver bright, crisp, high-contrast images even with the lights on.

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