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Sunday, 8 Jan 2006


Doncs ja he arribat a casa, tot be i sense problemes. Em pensava que havia perdut les ulleres, pero al final no ha estat aixi

Aqui tinc una foto penosa que vaig fer des d'un dels telefons i em vaig enviar a mi mateix:

Friday, 6 Jan 2006

Baby Jack

Heard from some very good friends, Todd and Michelle. Their beautiful son Jack is growing up. Below are some Xmas pics of Jack, and Jack w/ Michelle.

Also heard from Bill, apparently they are talking about going to a 4-day work week at the hospital, lucky him.

Sunday, 1 Jan 2006

Movies II

Another interesting Spanish movie: El Método Grönholm. Presented at the Toronto International Film Festival last year. Very good acting (and casting, of course,) and a good script based on a play.

If you liked films like Glengarry Glenn Ross, or American Buffalo, you might want to take a chance with this one.

The movie features some of the best actors in Spain right now. It is the story of a group of candidates applying for the same job at a prestigious company, and the interesting method the company uses to make a decision. I won't spoit it, in case anybody who reads this ends up watching it.


I've watched a couple movies these days. One, 7 Virgenes, Spanish, translated as "7 Virgins", featuring Juan Jose Ballesta from the acclaimed El Bola, a.k.a. "Pellet" (International English title,) and also Alba Rodriguez, below .

The other movie I've watched is Peter Jackson's King Kong. Decent re-make of the classic, featuring cool Naomi Watts as Ann Darrow.

Saturday, 31 Dec 2005


Feliz 2006!

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