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Wednesday, 24 May 2006

Wed evening

Half way through the week. Getting ready to answer to my mom's email, we always trade emails on Wednesdays. Todd will be joining us at work again next week, that will be awesome

Been trading emails and txt's with Judit. Seems like we are going to work something out for the 4th of July weekend in Boston. They were supposed to be in India, but they are delaying their trip. I will finalize the details later tonight probably.

Gotta put some bread in the oven as well.


Better go to bed, getting way late.

Just got an email from Judit with pictures from a concert she went to last weekend with friends. Below is one of her with Elmo, looks like they had fun


I went and saw The Da Vinci Code tonight, late showing. It was OK, entertaining. I expected more of the story, with all the hype and all. I had not read the book. I like Audrey Tautou, so that was a bonus - although she looked "old," considering she is only like 29. Half way through things got predictable and a bit boring.

As for any potential controversy per se, it's no big deal, I had heard all that's discussed in the movie plenty of times before. As any scholar will tell you, it is widely acknowledged by the church that the majority of miracles described in the Bible are not literal but rather symbolic language with a deeper meaning. The movie uses a lot of religious buzz words for effect and wow factor, and throughs Opus Dei into the mix - much to their dislike I am sure . I have had plenty of friends who belonged to Opus Dei in Spain, no big deal either, 99% of them are normal regular people who simply have a more profound spiritual side.

Tuesday, 23 May 2006


Preparing something to eat. May go to the theatre later, we'll see. Can't believe how cool the weather is, we are approaching June. I think we are off next Monday, that'll be great. I may plan a trip for the 4th of July weekend, we'll see. Talked to Bill a while ago, he was going to Sitwell's.

Monday, 22 May 2006


Another day, typical Monday. Talked to Doug this evening. I think Bill may have just called, kind of late. Still cool all day long.

Got a few things online at Macy's, some jeans, jackets, a belt, and a few t-shirts.

Also got a couple emails from Jordi today, he seems to be doing fine.

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