Comments For Entry #98

Super fast DSL - Speed Upgrade(Comments RSS)

I called Verizon over the weekend and got my broadband connection upgraded. They told me it'd be done by COB today, so as soon as I got home I rushed to the computer to see how fast it was - I know, I am such a geek

Anyway, the router says it's trained up at a whooping 3.4 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up. That's amazingly fast. Not that it was slow before (1.8 Mb down/512 Kbps up,) but still, it's noticeable. Great job Verizon, they're putting their new fiber network to a good use.

This evening I talked to Danielle for a while before leaving work, she is a colleague. She is in charge of the recruitment portion of the Johnny Walker Mentor program, very cool stuff. I hadn't talked to her in a while, we caught up. She is thinking of going back to graduate school, so she wants to take the GRE, which I took a few years back myself. She also had some interesting stories about her love life, which I'm afraid I shall not reveal here . Perhaps some other day.

Anyway, getting milder outside, can't wait for Spring.

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