Comments For Entry #94

St. Patrick's(Comments RSS)

It's St. Patrick's day today, a party night. There's an Irish restaurant across the street from my building and it was already packed when I walked by earlier today.

I have to do laundry tonight. I've been out of town for so many long weekends in a row that I'm way behind.

BTW, I re-joined NetFlix last week. I was a member 2 years ago when they first came out with the service. I rented all the movies I ever wanted over a period of 9 months, then cancelled. I figured they may have a few new movies I'm insterested in.

The weather is getting better, it's not so cold anymore. Like 40's during the day. Spring is around the corner. Talked to Jen last night. Talked to Doug today. I need to call Karsten one of these days, he's left a couple messages on my machine lately but I haven't had the chance to answer.

I may go out later, we'll see.

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