Comments For Entry #444

AA(Comments RSS)

I was disappointed with American Airlines on my last trip. They booked my ticket under my second last name, and stuck my first last name in the Middle Name field. It took them quite a while to figure out where my reservation was. That hadn't happened for quite some time, most airlines have caught on and realized most world citizens do have a name that does not conform to the first-middle-last format.

Their software is pretty weak. Additionally, if you stand by on an earlier flight, and make it in, the software is unable to realize you've already flown. What it does instead is cancel both legs altogether as if you didn't show up (!) - awful. I know several people who've had this problem. That is so lame.

The seats are tiny too, particularly on domestic flights, and their planes are old and run down. I guess that's why they've been under bankruptcy protection.

3/15/2006 10:50 PM

that's right


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