Comments For Entry #433

Oscars, Groceries & Jeans(Comments RSS)

So, the Oscars are over. It was fine, Stewart - from Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" - did OK, not great but OK for being the first time. He was even kind of funny at times. Crash upset everybody and won Best Picture, well deserved. The one annoying thing throughout the entire ceremony is how presenters were scripted to remind us we must go watch the movies on the big screen - at full ticket price. Theatres: good, DVDs: bad, was the prevailing message.

Placed my bi-weekly order with FreshDirect, it never ceases to amaze me how quick they are. The groceries will be at my door tomorrow evening, less than 24 hours after I ordered them.

I also got a couple new pairs of jeans, below. One darker, the other lighter. Seven For All Mankind. Got some lip balm while I was at it, compulsive shopping

3/6/2006 8:32 AM

seven jeans are awesome. the fabric, quality, and fit. good choice. you will be very happy with the appearence of your ass. as will other's i'm sure


3/7/2006 1:05 AM

cool, thanks


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