Comments For Entry #409

Clothes(Comments RSS)

I keep thinking it's Sunday, but it's obviously not. Since I worked on Saturday and yesterday, today feels odd.

I stopped by the Lacoste store on Madison and 56th St on my way back from running some errands. Browsed around for a while and ended up buying some spring clothes: 2 Retro Fitted polos, 2 long sleeve polos and 1 sweater. All quite nice and colorful

This brand was popular growing up. Then it disappeared. But it's back. People in the US tend to confuse it with Izod. Izod is a premium clothing company that offers very similar products to Lacoste. In fact, Izod had a contract with Lacoste until the mid-1990s that gave it the rights to produce the Lacoste clothing line in the United States. Hence the confusion. The line of clothing was known as "Izod Lacoste."

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