Comments For Entry #405

Tivo(Comments RSS)

So, I unsubscribed from Tivo a couple of days ago. Since I have an HD DVR from the cable company, it makes no sense to keep both services. I let them overlap for about 6 months, to make sure I'd be pleased with the DVR. It works just fine. When I told Tivo the reason - they don't offer HD support - they told me they are coming out with a new model later this summer, and then tried to get me to stay with them for $6 a month (vs. the $15 it typically costs.) I declined anyway. I will reconsider if and when they release their HD service.

They are going to have a difficult time making it as a company. They had the idea first, but the cable companies caught up quickly and started offering their own DVRs for cheaper, and with more features.

Now my second cable box is also redundant. I will have to return it one of these days. I am going to shut down both the Tivo and the cable box this morning, and stowe them away.

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