Comments For Entry #322

GQ(Comments RSS)

So, a brief article on GQ this month put a smile on my face. Not that I am an avid reader of the magazine – somehow I qualify for a free subscription, they must think I am the appropriate target for their tons of advertising, but I digress.

Anyway, it said “Every man after 30 must own a magnifying mirror, 5x or more.” I guess I am mostly foreign to the concept of magnifying mirrors, but it had a good point. I don’t want this to come across as vane either, it was simply funny . It went to say “It may be brutal upclose, but if you can manage to get all those blemishes and unruly hairs under control, you will look flawless in the outside world."

12/24/2005 3:01 PM

You need no magnifying mirror! I can vouch for that!!


12/25/2005 9:25 AM

Ah ha! So that's been your secret all these years. I think in my case I need a 100x mirror.

And then, I'll make people look at me through reverse telescopes so that my face looks really small, like the size of a postage stamp. Thus, I will appear like a Greek god.


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