Comments For Entry #3177

Sant Joan(Comments RSS)

This past night was the Night of St John in Barcelona and Catalunya.

Sant Joan is the midsummer celebration also called the Festival of Saint John. It is most often called the "Nit de Sant Joan" which means St John's night, but also often called "La revetlla de Sant Joan" in Catalan, or in Spanish called "Verbenas de Sant Joan." Or even just the "Nit de Foc" - night of fire. All the names refer to the same event - the festival feast of Saint John the Baptist to celebrate the solstice during the evening and night of 23rd June every year.

The Nit de Sant Joan is a very festive, fiery and fun night. There is no central fireworks display or specific programme for the Sant Joan celebrations in Barcelona. Sant Joan events in Barcelona are organised locally by the districts and civic centres of Barcelona and people just celebrate the evening with dinners, parties, firecrackers (not so much fireworks) and bonfires all over Barcelona and Catalunya. The biggest central gathering on the Nit de Sant Joan is on the beaches of Barcelona, which attract crowds of around 100.000 people. The day after the Nit de Sant Joan is a public holiday, so the party goes on until sunrise and all the clubs and bars in the city organize Sant Joan parties.

Check out Wikipedia for more on the history of the Bonfires of St John

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