Comments For Entry #220

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I went out to the The Lion King Broadway show yesterday with Bill and Lee. The words that come to mind to describe it are: colorful and very creative, it's a lot of fun to watch.

After the show we went out for dinner, ended up at fashionable Markt in the Meat Packing District. Here's Citysearch's editorial profile:

The sprawling dining room features dark-wood details, brass railings and a gleaming 60-foot bar, complete with raw-bar selections on ice and more beer taps than you can count. The Belgium-inspired restaurant, which specializes in seemingly countless varieties of moules frites, gets especially busy on warm summer nights, when groups take to the sidewalk tables and to the bar for icy ales, oysters and everything from lobster salads to simple fish entrees.

We didn't finish until late, left the place around 1:15 am.

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