Comments For Entry #3702

First week at work(Comments RSS)

After the Holidays, it's always not that fun. And even more so with the current weather, ugh. Temperatures have been below 32F for several days in a row now. Thu morning we were in the single digits with a wind chill of ~ -4F (approx. -20C). I spoke to a friend in our Boston office who said they had wind chill -19F (-28C) on Wed night and Thu morning, and that past of his hair literally froze on the way to work.

I think tomorrow we are supposed to bounce back to about 33F which will feel warm compared to right now. It was 14F when I woke up early this morning.

I am by myself w/ Sofia for the weekend, as Nicole headed to VT w/ her friends Ingrid and Heather, each w/ their daughter - Laia, Charlotte & Gabrielle. They are skiing today and tomorrow, and coming back home tomorrow evening.

The first night with Sofia was a little rocky, she woke up more than I anticipated: at 1 am, 5 am and then 7:15 am. She is still not over the bad cold she caught last week, coughing and uncomfortable. We will see how today goes, so far doing OK this morning she has been away till now, I just put her to nap.

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