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Tuesday, 15 Feb 2005

Tue early

I've been watching some cool stuff on the History channel tonight. They talked about a few feats of humanity - like the pyramids - which seem impossible to explain without the existence of some advanced intelligence. How could the Egyptians move 200-ton blocks of stone and build a 500 feet tall structure in the middle of the desert, under the scorching sun, and get it to align perfectly North, South, East and West? Traditional history still cannot explain it today.

Monday, 14 Feb 2005

Mon lunch

Just got a fresh mozarella & tomato basil sandwich at the market downstairs. Excellent.

Monday morning

Mondays are always crazy. Getting ready for my trip to Daytona. Need to pack up tonight.

Got a txt msg from one of my favorite people in the world, Jen . She is a cool friend from Cinci:

Haven't seen her in a while. I guess I haven't been back to Cinci since last October. Time really flies.


I just realized it's getting kinda late, it's going to be tough getting up tomorrow.

I am fixin something to eat right now (tuna sandwich with Machego cheese on the side, and of course a few olives )

Bill & Irina

Just got a message from Bill, his big date with Irina tonight went very well. Lucky him. She seems to be great: smart, caring, and very attractive.

I guess they're starting to get serious. This should be interesting. I predict things will accelerate very rapidly.

Here's a pic of Bill from last summer:

He was way too tanned

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