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Friday, 22 May 2020

Career Retrospective

I did an exercise of looking back through my career in tech and pulling out things that I feel stood out... It was an interesting exercise as it boils down to very few things that really made a difference and mattered.

Albert Balcells Product Portfolio

Monday, 18 May 2020

Test Enty

After Verio (hosting company) messed up the site configuration for the n-th time... I lost track, they are really really bad at this

Hopefully it's back up

Thursday, 7 Nov 2019

Laia learns geometry

Amazing, our second grader is learning about 3D shapes:

Laia Learns Geometry

Monday, 21 Jan 2019

React Native Tutorial

It's been a while, I know. Two kids and a new job, not a lot of time to goof around, haha!

I finally got around to updating the server and installing the secure cert on it. With that, I wanted to post the React Native Tutorial I wrote a little over a year ago...

It's simple, and React is a moving target with lots of versioning, but it should still provide a good foundation to get started:

Albert Balcells React Native Tutorial: How to build a simple app that navigates across screens and consumes web APIs

PS: I may have posted a version of this prior. If so, this one has a few tweaks and updates.

Friday, 26 Oct 2018

Fall Fest Celebration at Sofia and Laia's school

Today we went to Fall Fest Halloween at Laia and Sofia's school, the girls had a lot of fun. Laia's costume and makeup were bad ass

Fall Fest Pictures of Laia and Sofia

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