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Thursday, 30 Jan 2014

Founders Institute Presentation

Last night I gave a presentation at the Founders Institute about using customer research to collect consumer stories that will help you build fanatics, was fun. Some tweets below

Wednesday, 29 Jan 2014

La Laia a l'entrada de casa

Tuesday, 28 Jan 2014

The Scandinavian Miracle

Good article on the alleged Scandinavian Miracle:

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'

Television in Denmark is rubbish, Finnish men like a drink – and Sweden is not exactly a model of democracy. Why, asks one expert, does everybody think the Nordic region is a utopia?

Monday, 27 Jan 2014

A few movies

I've watched in recent weeks:

- American Hustle
- The Wolf of Wall Street
- Gravity
- All is Lost,
- Captain Phillips,
- Her

Weighted heavily towards Oscar nominations.

Old picture

Nicole found this picture today, from a few years back, fun. As I remember, the Chewbacca suit was unbelievably hot, I was sweating bit time.

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